September 10th 2016

Spell check alternative text and more

The Spelling test now detects spelling errors inside all forms of alternative text. Alternative text is ordinarily invisible to most users, but is visible to search engines and some users with disabilities. Specifically, Insites now checks the alttitle and longdesc attributes of all tags. Other changes this week:

Small stuff

  • Twitter handles (e.g. @username) are now automatically excluded from spelling results.
  • Source code is now displayed more intelligently, with unnecessary whitespace removed.
  • When showing issues with alternative text, the SEO fundamentals test now shows the text beside the image.
  • Expanded spelling dictionary.


  • Fixed issue where some broken links inside a large website could fail to test.
  • Fixed issue where a broken canonical link tag could flag as a missing file.
  • Fixed some SEO fundamentals issues not appearing correctly.
  • Minor visual glitches fixed.

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