August 4th 2017

Simplified permissions

We've added a new account option to simplify how permissions for websites work.

Before now every website you added was only visible to:

  • the person who added it, and
  • all account owners

This meant that many people had to override the permissions for each website manually, and if you had a lot of websites or users this could become a real pain.

To simplify this, we've added a new option under Organization settings:

This option allows you to grant to all of your users the rights to see, contribute to, or manage new reports by default. The default setting – Only the creator of a website has rights to see it – works as it did before. For new Silktide customers, the default option is Everyone can contribute to new reports.

Note: changing this setting will only affect future reports that your team creates. If you have a lot of existing websites and you want to update all of their permissions in one go just let us know and we'll do that for you.

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