October 9th 2017

Massive update: new tests, design and much more

Today is a particularly large update, with three new tests, an all new interface design and a tonne of other extras. Let's get started.

Fast approve and ignore

One of our most requested features is here: the ability to approve and ignore issues right from your test screens. For example, for the Spelling test, you can now add words to the dictionary by clicking the new Learn spelling button: This feature applies to many other tests include Broken links, Missing files and JavaScript errors.

Add your own logo to reports

Under Organization settings you can upload your own logo, which is now shown in the top right corner of your reports:

Vastly improved PDFs

We've redesigned our PDF export to create much shorter, more useful and appealing reports. They're faster to export and smaller to download too:

New Search ranking test

All of our customers can now measure their search engine ranking for keywords that they choose. You'll find this new test under Marketing: If you don't see this test, you'll need to re-run your existing report for it to be added. Once it appears, you'll need to tell Insites what keywords and search engines you want to monitor.

Alternative text test

This test identifies missing and weak alternative text. Previously this was part of the SEO fundamentals test, but we're breaking it out to make Insites easier to use:

Metadata test

This test checks the titles, descriptions and OG (Open Graph) images for all of your pages – together these dictate how your pages appear in search engines and social networks: Previously some of these checkpoints were part of the SEO fundamentals test, which is being retired in favour of the Alternative text and Metadata tests. We've left SEO fundamentals available for customers who want it, or who have a custom report design that depends upon it.

Let us know what you think

We now allow all users to provide feedback directly from inside Insites. Click on the yellow face on the bottom left of the screen at any time to let us know what you think. As always, you can see what we’re working on next on our public roadmap.

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