October 19th 2017

Regular email updates on the state of your websites

As of today, users of Silktide will receive email updates when their websites are retested. These updates highlight key changes to the website – such as new problems, or pages – and draw attention to particularly urgent actions you should consider for the website. By default, you will receive one of these emails when any of these happen:
  • You test a website yourself, or
  • When that website is retested automatically on a schedule
If you want, you can choose to manually 'watch' or 'unwatch' a website, by clicking on the Settings button for the site. You can also unsubscribe from unwanted emails via a link in the bottom of the email. You can let us know what you think with the yellow feedback icon in the bottom left corner of every screen: As always, you can see what we’re working on next on our public roadmap.

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