October 21st 2017

Remove tests from your reports

One of our most requested features is now here: the ability to remove a test from a report. You can do this for individual reports, or for all of your reports at once.

Exclude tests from a report

  • View the desired report
  • Click Settings > Website settings
  • Click Enabled tests
  • Check or uncheck the boxes next to your desired tests, and click Save at the bottom when done
The report will be updated immediately. If you change your mind, you can bring a test back and it won't have lost any information.

Exclude tests from all your reports

  • Click on the icon in the top-right corner of every page, then on Enabled tests
  • Check or uncheck the boxes next to your desired tests, and click Save at the bottom when done
Nothing will be affected immediately. The next time a report is run (either manually or automatically) your changes will take effect. As always, you can see what we’re working on next on our public roadmap.

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