January 24th 2018

Introducing report sharing, a new look and more

Silktide users can now share reports with people who don't have a user account. Simply click the new "Share" button at the top of a report and copy the provided link. A user with a share link will be able to view that report, but won't be able to modify it in any way – for example, they won't be able to approve spellings, or exclude pages. They also aren't able to re-run the report.

A new look

Silktide has a new look, which will shortly be applied to all of our products, services and websites. The main change for users is the sidebar, which is now fully expanded by default: You might also notice that we have a broader range of colors for scores – previously there were three (red, yellow, cyan) – now there are five (red, orange, yellow, green, cyan). As always, you can see what we’re working on next on our public roadmap.

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