February 28th 2018

Analytics no longer affected by website testing

Until now, testing a website with Insites could impact your analytics, causing you to have more visitors than you really did. This is no longer the case. Because we use real browsers, most analytics tools are unable to tell us apart from your real visitors. Preventing this is difficult, as Insites also needed to see the analytics tools, in order to thoroughly test a website. We've now managed to both block analytics from seeing us, and see your analytics at the same time. This change affects all reports run from this point.

Other changes

  • Google Maps is automatically excluded from the Alternative text and SEO fundamentals tests. These appeared frequently and were never actionable as Google Maps cannot be edited.
  • When testing a new website, you can now enter a path and test only that path. Previously paths were ignored until you modified advanced settings.
  • We now ask all users to rate their satisfaction with Insites on a periodic basis. We use your feedback here to improve.
As always, you can see what we’re working on next on our public roadmap.

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