May 14th 2019

Improved user interface

We've made a wide range of refinements to make Silktide easier to use. These affect all new and past reports immediately.

Summary screens now include trend graphs, for example:

Content overview

Scores now include a text explanation below them, like "Very good":

Scores with text

We've added helpful videos to many of our actions, including most of accessibility. These explain what the action means, and how to fix it:

Actions help video

Similar videos now appear on various screens to explain key concepts:

Broken links help video

All the Actions screens now provide an easy filter by responsibility, so Editors can see points relevant to them for example:

And finally: many duplicated screens have been merged. For example, spelling errors used to have two separate screens depending on how you accessed them. These have now all been merged, so there's one consistent screen for each feature.

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