What IP address and user agent does Silktide use?

Advanced users may be interested in how Silktide downloads pages from their website, for example to open up firewalls if connections are overloaded.

Standard IP addresses

The servers which Silktide uses to download webpages are hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS). These servers use a large dynamic range of servers around the world. You can review AWS current list of IP ranges.

Because of the large range of IP addresses used, we don’t recommend whitelisting these. Instead, consider using a proxy or user agent (below).

Proxy IP addresses

You can ask Silktide to run traffic via a proxy server. Doing so will reduce the number of potential IP addresses to a small range (below).

To apply a proxy, view the website you wish to configure and go to Settings > Advanced and set Proxy location.

UK (London) proxy IP addresses


User Agent

Silktide imitates the user agent of the devices that it is testing, such as a Windows desktop computer or an Apple iPhone. However, it also adds a customizable suffix to the user agent, which by default is Silktide.

You can customize this suffix, or remove it entirely, under Settings > Website settings > Advanced > User agent.

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