Excluding specific pages

By default, when you test a website in Silktide it will look for all of the pages within that domain. For example, if you test example.com, Silktide will find pages like example.com/about.

You can optionally choose to exclude specific pages or paths from Silktide. For example, you might exclude example.com/news, which would also exclude any other pages beginning with that URL, such as:

  • example.com/news
  • example.com/news/article
  • example.com/news/another-article
  • example.com/news/seasonal/and-another-article

How to set excluded pages

To exclude pages:

  • View the website you wish to exclude pages from.
  • Click on Settings > Website settings.
  • Under Denied URLs, enter the web addresses you wish to exclude, one on each line. Each web address must be fully qualified, i.e. it should start with http:// or https://.
  • Click Save when you are done.

If you are excluding existing pages, Silktide will update your results immediately – usually in a few seconds, sometimes longer for large websites. If you are removing excluded pages, you will need to re-test the website for those pages to be added.

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