
What is it?

This screen detects common technologies that this website is using.

The list of technologies is wide-ranging, but includes:

  • Analytics – i.e. Google Analytics, W3Counter, etc.
  • CMS – i.e. WordPress, Drupal etc.
  • Chat – i.e. Intercom, LiveChat, etc.
  • Comment systems – i.e. Disqus, IntenseDebate, etc.
  • Cookie law solutions – i.e. Cookie Control, CookieCuttr, etc.
  • Marketing automation – i.e. BrightInfo, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, etc.

Why it matters

This test can be useful both for identifying technologies that you did not know you were using, and for competitive assessment of other websites that you do not control.

Seeing what pages use a technology

To view the pages that use a given technology, click the View pages button to the right-hand-side of any given technology.

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